​​​Stanton Gate Crasher

Stanton upon Hine Heath , United Kingdom • 27 Apr 2024

The Stanton Gate Crasher is a multi-terrain trail race offering both 5k and 10k distances. The event includes a free 2km fun run for children under 9 years old. The 5k course features a mix of fields, woodland trails, and country lanes with small gates to navigate. The 10k race extends the 5k route with additional sections through fields, woodland, and farm tracks. Both races start at the same location and welcome runners of all abilities. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

Sat 27 April
10 km
10K Multi Terrain Trail Race
Sat 27 April
5 km
5K Multi Terrain Trail Race
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

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