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Shropshire Way 80K Festival

Website Registration

The Shropshire Way 80K Festival is an exciting running and walking event set in the stunning Shropshire Hills, taking place on April 5, 2025. Participants can choose from four different routes: the SW80K (50 miles), Mammothon (26 miles), Half-Mammothon (13 miles), and Tusker’s 10K (6.5 miles). Each route offers a unique experience through picturesque landscapes, ancient woodlands, and historic sites.

The festival emphasizes local food, providing runners with delicious Shropshire specialties. With a friendly atmosphere, the event caters to both serious athletes and casual walkers, making it a memorable challenge for all. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
80 km
42 km
21 km
10 km
Tusker’s 10k

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