
Roller Coaster Trail Run

The Roller Coaster Trail Run is a premier trail running event located in the stunning Dandenong Ranges National Park, just an hour from Melbourne's CBD. Established in 2012, it attracts over 800 participants annually, offering a variety of race options including a 46k Ultra, 23k Marathon, 12k Twilight run, and a 2k Kids Carousel. The courses feature challenging zig-zag tracks and steep terrain, providing a thrilling experience for runners of all levels.

This event not only celebrates the beauty of nature but also fosters a sense of community among trail running enthusiasts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
56 km
Beast Mode Stage Race
46 km
46k Double Loop Ultra
35 km
Full Throttle Stage Race
23 km
23k Single Loop
12 km
12k Twilight Mad Mouse
2k Kids Carousel

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