
Dunstable Downs Challenge

The Dunstable Downs Challenge is an annual running event featuring a Half Marathon, 20 Mile, and Marathon, all starting from Creasey Park Community Football Centre in Dunstable. Participants will enjoy a scenic rural trail run across the picturesque Dunstable Downs and surrounding areas, primarily on public footpaths and bridleways, with some sections on quiet country lanes. The course is self-navigated, and runners are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the route beforehand, although marshals and markers will be present.

GPX files are also available for participants. On-the-day entries may be accepted if space allows. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 mi
20 mi
20 Mile
13 mi
Half Marathon

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