
St Albans Stampede - 12hr Enduro

The St Albans Stampede - 12hr Enduro is an ultra marathon event set in the scenic Hertfordshire countryside, featuring routes through Heartwood Forest and Nomansland Common. Participants aim to cover the maximum distance over 12 hours, with options to compete solo, in pairs, or as part of a relay team (up to 8 members). New for 2024, prizes will be awarded for the top mixed and female teams.

All entrants receive a medal, regardless of the distance completed, and the event adheres to UK Athletics rules, accommodating various age categories. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
12 hr
Stampede 2 Person Relay
12 hr
Stampede 4 Person Relay
12 hr
Stampede 8 Person Relay
12 hr
Stampede Solo Challenge

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