
The Tyne Bridges to Boundaries Ultra

The Tyne Bridges to Boundaries Ultra is a 32-mile running event taking place on March 15, 2025, starting and ending at The Cycle Hub in Newcastle upon Tyne. Inspired by the Audax spirit of cycling, this ultra emphasizes self-sufficiency and camaraderie among participants. The scenic route showcases the beauty of the region, featuring trails, riverside meadows, and parks.

With a generous 10-hour time limit, runners can enjoy the journey while receiving support through water stations and a halfway buffet. All finishers will receive a Wildflower medal and a stamped Brevet card as proof of their achievement. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
32 mi
32 Mile Ultra

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