
The Lyon Equipment Mountain Trial

The Lyon Equipment Lake District Mountain Trial is a challenging fellrunning event that tests participants' mountaineering skills, stamina, and navigational abilities across difficult terrain. Established in 1952, it is the longest-running event of its kind in Great Britain. The trial features three courses: Classic (approximately 18 miles with 7500ft of climb), Medium (around 13 miles with 5000ft of climb), and Short (about 9 miles with 3500ft of climb).

Entrants must provide details of their experience, and there are specific age requirements for participation. The event includes amenities such as hot food and map hire. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
29 km
Classic Trial
21 km
Medium Trial
15 km
Short Trial

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