
The Hopper 6&12 Hr Trail Race

The Hopper 6&12 Hr Trail Race is an exciting endurance running event taking place in Hamsterley Forest, County Durham. Participants can choose between a 6-hour or 12-hour race, completing as many 4.2-mile loops as possible within their chosen time limit. The course features approximately 650 feet of elevation gain per loop, making it a challenging yet rewarding experience.

Runners will enjoy amenities such as water, snacks, hot drinks, and complimentary pizza, along with free camping for participants and their support crew. Prizes will be awarded for the greatest distance covered, and a bespoke eco memento will be given to all participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
12 hr
12 Hours
6 hr
6 Hours

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