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The Dartmoor Way 100 - The Full Circle

The Dartmoor Way 100 - The Full Circle is an ultra-distance running event that features the first complete circumnavigation of Dartmoor as an official race. Scheduled for November 2024, this challenging 100-mile race follows the newly waymarked Dartmoor Way walking route, encompassing diverse terrains and scenic landmarks. Competitors must navigate through six indoor checkpoints, receiving support from enthusiastic local running clubs.

With a time limit of 34 hours and over 4000m of ascent, participants should possess ultra-distance running experience. The event promises a bespoke finisher’s medal and trophies for top performers, alongside comprehensive support and facilities. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
100 mi
100 Mile

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