
Race With No Name - Dartmoor Traverse East to West

The "Race With No Name - Dartmoor Traverse East to West" is an exciting trail running event that features a scenic 50k route across Dartmoor, starting at Trenchford Reservoir and finishing in Tavistock. Participants can choose to run solo or in pairs, with live GPS tracking and three feed stations along the way. The course includes a mix of terrain and requires some navigational skills, particularly in the second half.

A shorter 14-mile option is also available, finishing at Postbridge. The event promises a challenging yet rewarding experience for runners of all levels, with support and safety measures in place. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
50 km
50k East to West Crossing
14 mi
825 feet
14 Miles Trenchford Reservoir to Postbridge

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