
Peak Raid - Race 2 - Goyt Valley

Peak Raid - Race 2 - Hayfield is part of a thrilling series of four 3-hour races designed for fell running enthusiasts. Set in the scenic Hayfield area, the course will explore Mill Hill, Kinder Downfall, and Ashop Clough. Participants can compete solo or in pairs, utilizing their navigation skills to collect points by visiting various controls within the time limit.

The event emphasizes route choice based on individual ability and terrain. Competitors must adhere to mandatory safety equipment requirements, and prizes are awarded based on performance across multiple races. Registration opens early, ensuring a well-organized experience for all. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
3 mi
Peak Raid3 Mini Mountain Marathon

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