
Norfolk Gazelles 'Big Stampede'

The Norfolk Gazelles 'Big Stampede' is an exciting running event scheduled for October 6, 2024, at the Norfolk Showground. This year, participants can choose from three races: a Championship Relay (4 x 5km), an individual 5k race, and a 2k junior race. All races will be chip-timed, ensuring accurate results for each runner.

The event promotes sustainability by offering participants the option to opt out of receiving a medal in favor of a donation for tree planting. With various age categories and prizes, the Big Stampede encourages clubs and groups to join in the fun and create a vibrant atmosphere on race day. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km
Individual 5k Dash
Calves 2k Canter
Championship Relay

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