
Meall A'bhuachaille Hill Race

The Meall A'bhuachaille Hill Race is a challenging 13km race with a 720m climb, taking place at the Badaguish Outdoor Centre near Aviemore. Scheduled for October 26, 2024, the event is open to participants aged 18 and over, with entry fees set at £10. Runners will navigate a mix of forest tracks and hill paths, with several checkpoints along the route.

The race is licensed by Scottish Athletics and includes prize categories for various age groups. Participants are encouraged to car share to minimize environmental impact, and essential safety gear is required. Refreshments will be available at the finish. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
13 km
Main Race

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