
Holcombe Howler

The Holcombe Howler is an exciting running event taking place in Holcombe Moors, featuring three challenging race options: an Ultra (37 miles), a Half Marathon (16 miles), and a 10k (6.4 miles). Participants will navigate unmarked trails, with guided recce sessions available for the ultra and half routes. The event emphasizes the beauty of the local landscape, including the ascent of Heracles Hill and iconic Peel Tower.

All finishers will receive unique medals and a tough trails buff, along with access to various food options at checkpoints. Entry fees vary based on race distance and UKA affiliation. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
37 mi
6800 feet
13 mi
3000 feet
10 km

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