
Hamsterley Moon Runner

The Hamsterley Moon Runner is a 10k head torch trail race taking place on the 16th of November 2024 at Hamsterley Forest Park in Bishop Auckland. The race starts at 6pm with registration from 4-5.30pm, offering a unique experience of running through the woods at night illuminated by the moon and stars. The route is fully waymarked with reflective markers and signs, suitable for both trail running novices and experienced runners.

Participants can expect a mixture of hard packed gravel tracks, single twisting dirt tracks, and occasional muddy bridleways, with medical support, water/food, and parking available. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
10k Head Torch Trail Race

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