
Colworth Hare and Tortoise Run

The Colworth Hare and Tortoise Run is a 26.3-mile running event taking place at the Colworth Estate in North Bedfordshire. Scheduled for November 24, 2024, this unique race features five laps on gently undulating trails and unclassified roads, with some woodland paths. Participants can enter as individuals or teams, with specific age requirements for solo runners.

The event emphasizes sustainability by being cup-free, encouraging runners to bring their own hydration containers. Facilities include checkpoints with refreshments, toilets, and potential baggage storage. Entry fees vary based on affiliation, and options for deferral or refunds are available in case of cancellation. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 mi
26.3 Mile Event

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