Sa - Su

Chester Ultra 100 Mile

The Chester Ultra 100 is a challenging 100-mile ultramarathon set in Chester, featuring a total elevation gain of 1590 meters. The course is well-marked and showcases some of the region's best trails, including the Sandstone Trail and the Marches Way. Participants have a cut-off time of 32 hours to complete the race, with 12 checkpoints providing essential support and refreshments.

The event is open to 300 runners, and those who finish in the top 100 receive a Gold buckle, while additional prizes are awarded to the top male and female finishers. Registration is available for an entry fee of £199. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
100 mi
1590 feet
Chester Ultra 100

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