
The Avebury8 Nine is a scenic 9-mile trail race set in the picturesque Wiltshire countryside, starting and finishing at the historic Avebury World Heritage Site. The course navigates through byways and bridleways, offering a challenging terrain that may be wet and muddy. Participants will enjoy a route that includes fields, tracks, and the Neolithic Windmill Hill.

All finishers receive commemorative mugs, with trophies awarded to the top three male and female runners, along with age group prizes. The event supports the Wiltshire Air Ambulance, with profits donated to this cause. Parking is available at a nearby National Trust car park. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
9 mi
Avebury8 Nine

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