
Punk Panthers Wharfedale Skyline

The Punk Panther Wharfedale Skyline is a trail running event featuring three distances: 13 miles (Half Marathon), 20 miles, and 34 miles (Ultra). Set in the scenic hills around Otley, Ilkley, and Guiseley, participants will encounter challenging terrains, including the iconic Cow and Calf Rocks and Otley Chevin’s Surprise View. The event emphasizes camaraderie and is suitable for both novice and experienced runners.

Each finisher receives a medal and an event T-shirt, along with refreshments at the finish line. The event is part of the Punk Panther Series, with a maximum of 200 entrants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
34 mi
4800 feet
Ultra 34 Miles
20 mi
2800 feet
20 Mile Trail Race
13 mi
1700 feet
Half Marathon

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