
Way of the Dead (a Dartmoor Traverse East to West)

The "Way of the Dead" is an exciting running event that features a scenic east to west traverse of Dartmoor. Participants can choose to run solo or in pairs, with live GPS tracking and three feed stations along the route. The course covers approximately 50 kilometers with a minimal ascent of 1389 meters, though the second half requires navigational skills due to its less marked paths.

A shorter 14-mile option is also available, finishing at Postbridge. The event promises a well-supported experience, including professional first aid, bespoke medals, and prizes for category winners. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
50 km
50k East to West Crossing
14 mi
825 feet
14 Miles Trenchford Reservoir to Postbridge

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