
Silent Pool 10K

The Silent Pool 10K is an evening guided trail run that begins and ends at the enchanting Silent Pool near Guildford. This event is perfect for those new to trail running or those who prefer a group setting while exploring scenic trails at dusk or night. Participants will enjoy a mix of wide and single-track trails, including sections of the North Downs Way and the picturesque village of Shere.

The run emphasizes camaraderie over competition, with a focus on enjoying the experience. At the end of the run, participants can look forward to a complimentary alcohol-free beer, enhancing the social aspect of the event. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
Silent Pool 10 Km - Sunset Run

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