
Rokeby Twilight Trail Run

The Rokeby Twilight Trail Run 2025 invites participants to experience the scenic trails of Rokeby Recreation Reserve in Victoria, Australia. This event features various distances, including a new 25k option, along with 13k, 9k, 6k, and a 2.5k kids run. Runners will enjoy a unique course that combines rail trails and single track paths, all while taking in stunning sunset views.

Proceeds from the event support the preservation of local bushland. The event encourages community involvement through volunteering and aims to create a memorable experience for runners and their families. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
Rttr 13 Spots Remaining: 100
Rttr 25 Spots Remaining: 100
Rttr 6 Spots Remaining: 97
Rttr 9 Spots Remaining: 98
Rttr Kids Run Spots Remaining: 48

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