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Minotaur 50 Mile Ultra

The Minotaur 50 Mile Ultra, organized by Phoenix Running, is an exciting endurance event set in the scenic Denbies Wine Estate. Scheduled for June 21, 2025, this ultra-marathon offers participants up to 30 hours to complete the challenging 50-mile course, which consists of a flat, one-mile loop with slight inclines. The event is designed to be inclusive, catering to both seasoned ultra-runners and first-timers.

Alongside the 50-mile race, there are additional options including 12/24-hour events and various marathon distances, creating a vibrant festival atmosphere for all runners. Participants will receive a medal or memento for their efforts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
100 mi
100 Mile Ultra
75 mi
75 Mile Ultra
50 mi
50 Mile Ultra
26 mi
13 mi
Half Marathon

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