Melissa's Road Race is a renowned running event in Canada, set to take place on September 27, 2025, in Banff National Park. This historic race features scenic routes for participants in 5K, 10K, and Half Marathon distances, attracting thousands of runners each year. Known for its vibrant atmosphere, the event includes entertainment along the course, a post-run celebration, and a commemorative long-sleeved shirt showcasing local art.
With a cap of 4,500 participants, early registration is encouraged to secure a spot. The race also supports local charities, including The Day Care Society of Banff. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
21 km
Half Marathon
10 km
5 km
Virtual Run - Half Marathon/10k/5k - Canada
Virtual Run - Half Marathon/10k/5k - International