
The Hameldown Hammer is a challenging trail half-marathon set in Dartmoor, featuring over 800m of ascent, making it a true test of endurance. This event, now in its 9th edition, starts and finishes in the picturesque village of Widecombe-In-The-Moor, surrounded by iconic granite tors. Participants can also take part in the Hameldown 7EVEN, a long 10k route with over 450m of ascent.

Both races promise stunning views and a rugged terrain, with 98% of the course on trails. The event emphasizes sustainability by requiring runners to bring their own cups. Bespoke medals and merchandise are available for participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
13 mi
800 feet
Hameldown Hammer Half
8 mi
450 feet
Hameldown 7even

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