
Exterminator Fell Race

The Exterminator Fell Race, organized by Totley AC, is a challenging 27km (17 miles) race featuring a total elevation gain of 1066m (3505 ft). This event, traditionally the final race in the Totley AC series, takes participants through varied terrain, including roads, tracks, and footpaths across scenic woodlands, fields, and moorlands. Runners are required to carry mandatory safety equipment and navigate the course using their own maps, as the route is not marked.

The race promotes a spirit of camaraderie and concludes with a prize-giving ceremony at the Cricket Inn, celebrating top finishers and age group winners. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
27 km
Exterminator Fell Race

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