
Endurancelife | Northumberland

The Northumberland trail run takes place along the dramatic coastline known for its sandy beaches, dunes, cliffs, and historic landmarks like Bamburgh Castle. The event offers distances ranging from a 10K to an Ultra marathon, with varying levels of ascent. Participants can enjoy the stunning natural beauty and wildlife of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty while earning points towards the Endurancelife 24-25 trail running season leaderboard.

The event also provides options for virtual participation and post-run socializing at The Castle Inn in Bamburgh. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
35 mi
1600 feet
27 mi
1200 feet
13 mi
400 feet
Half Marathon
6 mi
100 feet

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