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Brecon to Cardiff Xtreme

Website Registration

The Brecon to Cardiff Xtreme is a challenging 47-mile mountain running event, part of the classic Brecon to Cardiff ultramarathon, now in its 11th year. The race features a linear route that traverses 11 summits, including the highest peak in South Britain, Pen Y Fan, with a total ascent of approximately 2,680 meters. Designed for experienced winter mountain runners, the event includes five checkpoints stocked with refreshments.

Participants are transported from the finish in Cardiff to the start in Brecon. The event is known for its stunning scenery and demanding terrain, making it a true test of endurance and skill. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
47 mi
47 Miles

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