Sa - Su

Bath Skyline

The Bath Skyline is an exciting off-road running event featuring 5km and 10km races, held both at night and during the day. Set against the stunning backdrop of Bath, participants can expect a mix of solid stone paths, woodland trails, and open meadows, with beautiful views of the city. The event includes a kids' 500m run and offers a dedicated canicross wave.

Runners are treated to well-marked routes, enthusiastic marshals, and a post-race feast. All finishers receive a unique medal, and there are various prize categories for top performers. Group discounts are available for teams. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
Day 10km
10 km
Night 10km
5 km
5 km
Day 5km
5 km
Night 5km

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