
Tour of Pendle Fell Race

The Tour of Pendle Fell Race is a challenging category AL fell race held annually in the scenic South West Pennines of England. Covering a distance of 27 km (16.8 miles) with a significant elevation gain of 1473 m (4833 ft), the race takes participants over Pendle Hill and its surrounding moorlands. The event is designed for experienced runners, with a minimum age requirement of 18.

It is organized under the rules and insurance of the Fell Running Association (FRA) and features a cut-off time at one of the checkpoints. The race will celebrate its 40th edition in November 2024. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
27 km
Tour of Pendle Fell Race

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