
Tiergartenlauf Velen

The Tiergartenlauf Velen is a family-friendly public run in Münsterland that appeals to participants of all age groups. The event offers various routes, including a half marathon, 10 km runs, as well as shorter distances for students and Nordic walking. In addition to the sporting competition, an extensive supporting program is provided for spectators and participants.

The run not only promotes health but also supports social projects, as a portion of the proceeds is donated. The event attracts numerous runners each year and provides a platform to do good together and strengthen the community. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
21 km
Halbmarathon (2 Runden)
10 km
10 Km: 2 Runden
7 km
Schüler/innen 2,5 Km
Schüler/innen 1,4 Km

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