
Gemener Burglauf

The Gemener Castle Run is an annual running event that takes place in the shadow of the impressive Gemen Youth Castle. Organized by SV Westfalia Gemen e.V., the Castle Run offers a variety of competitions for all age groups and fitness levels. Highlights include the family run, the 4x800m relay race, and special class runs for students.

The event is supported by local schools and clubs, creating a unique atmosphere for participants. In addition to athletic challenges, there are also medals, trophies, and prize money to be won. The Castle Run promotes community and athletic ambition in a picturesque setting. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10 Km Jedermann Lauf
10 km
10 Km Team Fit Lauf
5 km
5 Km Jedermann Und Team Fit Lauf
5 km
5 Km Team Fit Lauf
5 km
5 Km Walking/nordic Walking
2,5 Km Schülerlauf Jahrgang 2008 -2013
1,25 Km Familien Lauf
1,6 Km Klassenlauf 5. Schuljahr
1,6 Km Klassenlauf 6. Schuljahr
1,6 Km Schülerlauf Jahrgang 2014 -2016
1,6 Km Schülerlauf Jahrgang 2017 U. Jünger
4 X 800 M Staffellauf
800 M Bambinilauf
800 M Inklusionslauf

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