Summer Dirtrun 1 - Kinver Edge

Kinver Edge , United Kingdom • 19 Jun 2024

The Summer DirtRun 1 at Kinver Edge is set to take place on June 19, 2024, starting at 7 pm. Participants can choose between a 5km or 10km off-road route around the tracks and trails of Kinver Edge. The event is open to individuals aged 14 and above, with registration closing at 18:45 on the race day. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each gender category, and all participants will receive finisher goodies and a medal. Additionally, there is a self-service water refill station provided at the halfway point for 10km runners to reduce waste. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

Wed 12 June
10 km
Wed 12 June
5 km
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

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