
Stadtwerkelauf Pinneberg

The Stadtwerkelauf Pinneberg, organized by VfL Pinneberg e.V., is an annual running competition that will take place for the 29th time in 2024. The event offers various running categories, including a 1 km introductory run for kindergarten children, a 2.5 km beginner's run, a 5 km middle-distance run, and a 10 km long-distance run. Additionally, there is a team run where teams of three runners are formed.

The routes go through Drosteipark and Pinneberger Fahlt. Registrations can be made online, and there are medals and certificates for the participants. The run promotes fitness and community in the region. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10 Km Langstrecke
5 km
5 Km Mittelstrecke
2.5 Km Anfängerlauf
2.5 Km Mannschaftslauf
1 Km Schnupperlauf

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