
Blankeneser Heldenlauf

The Blankenese Hero Run is an annual running competition in Hamburg that offers various distances and difficulty levels, including 6.5 km, 11 km, 21 km (Derbe and Sutsche), and 6.8 km (Mountain Goat). The run attracts numerous participants, spectators, and volunteers and is supported by various partners and sponsors. The event provides detailed route maps and videos to help runners choose their preferred course.

The next Blankenese Hero Run will take place on August 25, 2024. More information and registrations are available on the official website. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
21 Km - Derbe
21 km
21 Km - Sutsche
11 km
6 km
6 km
6,8 Km - Bergziege

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