
Stadtlauf Jüchen

The Jüchen City Run, organized by Dreambig Events, is an annual running competition that offers various courses for different age groups and abilities. The event includes races for children, students, adults, and relay teams, with distances ranging from 200 meters to 10 kilometers. The run takes place at the marketplace in Jüchen and places a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection.

A special highlight is the "Kids Active Charity Run," where donations for charitable causes are collected for each lap completed. Participants receive refreshments at the finish area and can access their results and certificates online. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Lauf
5 km
5km Lauf
5 km
5km Staffellauf
5 km
5km Walking
2km Schülerlauf U16
1km Schülerlauf U12

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