
Neusser Schützenlauf

The Neuss Marksmen's Run is a running event held at the Jahnstadion Neuss, catering to marksmen as well as the general public. The event includes various runs, such as a 5 km run, a 650 m children's run, and a 4 x 1 km relay. Participation fees vary depending on the run category, and late registrations are possible for an additional fee.

Timing is done using a transponder system. Results and photos of the event are made available online. The run is supported by various sponsors and provides a platform for athletic activity and community engagement. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
5 km
5 Km-Lauf
4 X 1km-Team-Staffel
650m Kinderlauf

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