
Silvesterlauf an der Leine - Hannover

The New Year's Eve Run along the Leine in Hanover is an annual running competition that takes place on December 31st. The event is organized by the Hanover Cycling Club (HRC) in collaboration with Bladerunner and Trimindous UG. The course covers 7.7 km along the Leine and Ihme rivers, mostly on paved paths.

After the run, there are mulled wine and sausages available at low prices. Registrations can be made online, and late registrations can be done on-site on the day of the event. The event is registered as a fun run with the German Athletics Association (DLV) and also offers a walking category. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
7 km
Main Race

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