
Runschnellweg Essen - Mülheim

The RUNschnellweg is a night run event on the Ruhr cycle expressway between Essen and Mülheim. The event offers various distances: half marathon, 10 km, and 5 km. The run takes place in the dark, so wearing a headlamp is mandatory.

The route is not illuminated and mostly consists of flat asphalt paths. Participants can look forward to refreshment stations and atmospheric light effects at the turning points. The event is supported by Westenergie, FUNKE Medien, and the cities of Essen and Mülheim.

Registrations can be made online, and there are special entry fees for different categories. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
10 km
5 km

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