
Öpfinger Osterlauf

The Öpfingen Easter Run is a popular running event that takes place annually in Öpfingen, attracting participants of all age groups. The event offers various distances, including a 5.25 km recreational run and a half marathon. In 2024, a new participation record was set with 1,090 runners, with the Bambini run being particularly noteworthy, having 268 registered children.

The event not only promotes sports but also fosters community spirit, drawing both local and regional participants. The next edition of the Öpfingen Easter Run will take place on Holy Saturday, April 19, 2025. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
21 km
10 km
10 Km Straßenlauf
5 km
5,25 Km Freizeitlauf

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