
Lauf Rund um Dahl

The "Run Around Dahl" is a running event in Paderborn-Dahl that offers various competitions, including a 1 km Bambini run, a 2 km student run, a 5 km forest run, and a 10 km cross-trail run. The event takes place at the Dahl sports field and provides comprehensive support and refreshments for participants. Registrations can be made online or on-site, with an entry fee charged for the longer distances.

After the runs, there is an award ceremony where the best runners receive medals or trophies. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Cross-Trail Lauf
5 km
5km Wald Lauf
2km Schüler Lauf
1km Bambini Lauf

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