Sa - Su

Halloween Dusk 2 Dawn

The Halloween Dusk 2 Dawn Trail Run is an exciting 12-hour trail running event held in Telegraph Point, featuring multiple race options including 12km, 42.2km, 21.1km, and 7km distances. Participants will navigate through a spooky forest setting, where they will experience the thrill of running in the dark, guided by flickering lights and the sounds of nature. The event promises a unique atmosphere filled with Halloween-themed elements, challenging runners to push their limits as they race against time.

This event is organized by Coastal Track and Trail Runners and is designed for both seasoned runners and newcomers alike. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
12 hr
Hd2d 12hr
42 km
Hd2d 42.2km
21 km
Hd2d 21.1km
7 km
Hd2d 7km

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