
Grafschaftslauf Rietberg

The Grafschaftslauf Rietberg is a running competition that connects the historic towns of Rietberg, Verl, and Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. The route starts at Gut Rietberg and leads through picturesque landscapes and significant historical sites, including the Rietberg town center and the Steinhorster Becken nature reserve. The run covers a total distance of 28.5 km and can be completed either as an individual race or as a 3-person relay.

The event features numerous fan zones and passes through the Ostwestfalenhalle in Kaunitz before ending at the Jagdschloss zur Holte. The Grafschaftslauf invites participants to "experience history on the run.". Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
28 km

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