
UrLand-Lauf Oerlinghausen

The UrLand Run Oerlinghausen is an annual running competition that will take place for the fifth time in 2024. The event offers various running categories, including a 1 km children's run, a 6 km run/walk, and the main 10 km run. The courses traverse moderately difficult, hilly terrain with forest sections.

Participants can range from 6 years old to the M80/W80 age group. All participants receive certificates, and the top three places in each category are additionally awarded prizes. Registrations can be made online, and there are special UrLand Run shirts available for participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
Urland-Lauf (10km)
6 km
6 Km Lauf / Walking
1 Km Kinderlauf

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