
Goyt Valley Challenge

The Goyt Valley Challenge is an exciting running event set in the picturesque Western Peak District, offering two challenging routes: a long course of 26.2 miles and a shorter option of 14.3 miles. Participants will experience stunning landscapes, including Axe Edge, Goyt Valley, and Fernilee Dam, with significant elevation gains of 4000ft and 2000ft respectively. The event emphasizes safety and preparedness, encouraging participants to carry appropriate gear for the terrain.

Refreshments will be provided at checkpoints, and all finishers can receive a certificate. The event is organized by the High Peak LDWA, with entries opening at a later date. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 mi
1219 feet
14 mi
610 feet

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