
Glauchauer Herbstlauf

The Glauchau Autumn Run is an annual running competition organized by the Turn- und Sportgemeinschaft Glauchau e.V. and the Kreissportbund Zwickau. The run offers various distances ranging from 200 meters to 21.1 kilometers, including a half marathon.

The event also features special runs such as the company, club, and family run, as well as the Special City Run for athletes with intellectual disabilities. The routes pass through scenic areas around Glauchau. In addition to the runs, there is a raffle and various service offerings such as free refreshments and childcare.

Registration is done online, and there are different tiers of entry fees. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
21,1 Km
10 km
10,0 Km
8 km
8,0 Km Nordic Walking / Walking
1,1 Km Jungen U8, U10
1,1 Km Mädchen U8, U10
1,1 Km Mädchen Und Jungen U12

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