
Gläserner Mönch Lauf

The Gläserner Mönch Run is a popular and cross-country race organized by Pro Sport Harz e.V. The competition takes place on a varied course that includes roads, cobblestones, field paths, trails, and stairs. There are different race categories, including children's runs, 5 km, 10 km, and 15 km distances, as well as walking.

Participation is tiered based on a certain age and requires online registration. A portion of the entry fee is donated to the Langenstein outdoor pool. The event offers comprehensive services such as timekeeping, refreshments, and medical support. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
15 km
15km Mönchlauf
10 km
10km Mönchlauf
5 km
5km Mönchlauf
5 km
5km Walking
4km Einsteigerlauf
1400m Kinderlauf Ak 8+9

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