
Brockenheroes Bergzeitfahren

The "Brockenheroes Mountain Time Trial" is a challenging running and cycling competition held annually in the Harz region. Organized by Pro Sport Harz e.V., the event includes various disciplines such as mountain time running, mountain time cycling, and mountain bike orienteering (MTBO). The courses run along the K1356 county road up to the Brockenstraße and offer different lengths and elevation gains.

Participants can compete in individual or combined categories, with e-bikes also being permitted. The event provides comprehensive services such as timing, refreshments, and medical support. Registrations are done online, and there are different tiers of entry fees. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
Strecke 1
6 km
Strecke 2

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