
Trailsplus - Bogong to Hotham

The Bogong to Hotham is a renowned mountain ultra race in Australia, celebrated for its challenging terrain and breathtaking views. Spanning distances of 29km, 35km, and 64km, the race begins at Mountain Creek Campground and includes climbs up Mt Bogong and Duane’s Spur, traversing the stunning Bogong High Plains before finishing at Mt Hotham. This event, part of Australian trail running folklore, emphasizes safety and requires participants to have trail experience and mandatory gear.

The race is designed for both seasoned ultra runners and those new to high country trail running, making it an exciting challenge for all. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
64 km
35 km
29 km

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