
Black Mountain Trail - Saint-Amans-Soult

The Black Mountain Trail is a trail running event located in the heart of the Montagne Noire in the Southwest of France. Attracting over 2500 participants, this race offers four courses of varying intensities: Mas Naffre (10 km, 450m elevation gain), Objectif Nore (20 km, 1000m elevation gain), Black Race (40 km, 2300m elevation gain), and Coupo Cambo (65 km, 3800m elevation gain). Runners tackle the iconic summit of Pic de Nore in a demanding yet rewarding natural setting.

The event is distinguished by its friendly atmosphere and warm evening gatherings, providing a complete experience for trail enthusiasts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
65 km
Coupo Cambo
40 km
Black Race
20 km
Objectif Nore
10 km
Mas Naffre

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